North Carolina/Georgia Bigfoot Camping Adventure

North Carolina or Georgia hiking and camping on the Appalachian Trail for 4 days/3 nights and 45 miles of hiking while we search the Appalachian Mountains in search of Bigfoot and any signs left by the creatures. We will be hiking day and night and on the trail and off the trail while we try to film the Beast. During our hikes we will be crossing over the rocky tops of mountains and ridges and will also be hiking next to waterfalls and rivers at the bottom of the mountains. Everything in between the top and bottom is where the Bigfoot calls home.

Imagine setting up camp during the day and then hiking and exploring the areas around the camp site that would be good areas of observation for later that night. We will also be looking for any signs or clues that will let us know that a possible Bigfoot group might be living in the area. Before dark everyone meets back at camp and has dinner together, tells jokes and stories around the camp fire and then about 9 or 10 at night we will began our night search for Bigfoot.

We will split up in groups, usually 2 in a group and 3 to 4 groups, with 1 group staying near camp and watching for an animal to approach camp, a 2nd group will travel to one of the spots that were picked out earlier in the day and a 3rd group will travel to another spot about a 1/2 mile from the 2nd group. All the groups will be in contact with each other via radios and for the next several hours each group will start a series of surveillance tactics, vocal calls and other audio communication techniques that are used to attract a response from the Bigfoot creatures.

To know what happens next you have to join us on an Adventure searching for Bigfoot.


Contact us today and make reservations to have one or two of our Adventure Guides take you and your group on an Adventure of a Lifetime.